.::Day 8—Summary::.


July 8, Friday

-I got very little sleep. The entire morning I spent keeping the puppy quiet {{who just wanted to get out of the room}} because I did not want to run into either of the roommates. The cop got back around 8:30am, but I had already dressed, taken my shower, and was getting ready to walk out the door.

-When I got to campus, I had not realized that everything closed on Fridays. I ended up sitting outside in the shade before attempting to sneak into one of the academic buildings. I found an unlocked door and hung out in there until the late afternoon when I left to go donate plasma.

-The process was simple, but after waiting all that time I was deferred for the day due to a high heart rate  {{115}}. When I got back to campus I had to find a place to sit outside since the buildings were closed. I did find one bench in the tunnel/overpass of an academic building which gave me wifi. I stayed there for several hours, eventually leaving because I needed to get to one of the university’s apartment buildings across campus. A guy I met on yikyak was letting me in.

-The guy was very nice and I was just so thankful to have a room. Being the paranoid that I am slept in the closet {{along with all my stuff}} in the event that someone came into the empty suite for whatever reason.

I felt relief after leaving the cop’s house, but was so miserable in the heat. Once in the academic building I became anxious again, not sure if someone was going to kick me out. Then the bugs were so annoying when I got back from the plasma center, but I finally had a room to chill in for the night. I was so on edge—worried that I would get caught.




-2 Capri Suns

-1 Soft Baked Breakfast Bar

-1 Applesauce


.::Day 8—11:41pm::.

I’ve got 99 problems, but a home ain’t one of them…


If only that were true. I figured I should just write to say that I decided to take the risk—a calculated risk at that—and blindly accept this offer.

The guy was very nice and showed me to one of the few open, unoccupied apartment suites in the building. I picked the room farthest away from the main door {{which is propped open with a chair}}, to reduce the likelihood of being caught. I have no idea what kind of ramifications would be the result if I were to be caught in here. Needless to say, I have been as silent as I humanly can be {{which it pretty damn quiet, if I do say so myself}}. My mind is playing cruel tricks on me, which is making the act of calming down and relaxing nearly impossible. Every sound I hear {{more frequently is the perception of hearing something}} makes me freeze and I automatically assume it is an RA or a cop coming in to bust me. As if I so much as breathe too audibly they might hear it and come in to inspect.

It is a double room, but I will not be sleeping on either bed. No, I am sleeping in the closet. On the floor. I am using a towel and jacket for a pillow and I have my blanket on the floor because it is itchy. My backpack/s are on the top shelf so all I have to do is close the doors like they were when I walked in and go to sleep. Now, I did close the room’s door, but you cannot really tell from the suite’s main doorway, so I should be fine. Either way, the chances of being found out are, in theory, rather slim, but you never know with my luck—or lack thereof.

I think I should try and sleep now. I need to wake up at 6am so I can take a shower while most everyone is asleep. Then maybe I can hang out here for a bit before I have to head out in the heat. Maybe I will head to Target after the plasma center to get some stats homework done. I think this was a good idea, but I am a nervous wreck, contemplating all the worse case scenarios. I wish I could turn my brain off for a bit.

.::Day 8—10:21pm::.

“If I did not have bad luck, I would have no luck at all.”


My advisor told me that a few months ago—well, he was referencing himself, but the point still stands. It is comical, but nevertheless true—that is, if luck was actually a thing.


Not only was campus practically shut down {{I did manage to sneak into one of the academic buildings for a few hours}}, but when I went to donate plasma today, my heart rate was too high {{around 115bpm. The lady was sweet and ran it a few times to see if it would go lower}} thanks to my crazy [read: ADHD] meds. I then drove back to campus, having just wasted a perfectly good hour and a half of my time—time that could have been used to sit in the comforts of A/C a little longer {{not to mention a perfectly good breakfast bar that could have been saved for later}}—to find out that the 24/7 room in the library is not, in fact, open 24 hours.

Having nowhere else to go I found a spot on a bench which is in the shade {{technically under the building}} and right beside an academic building, so free wifi and no sun. The climate was actually quite bearable once out of the sun. There was a lovely breeze which almost made me forget that I was sitting outside…almost.

I am still sitting on that bench, but even though the coolness of night is refreshing, I have to wear a jacket otherwise I will be covered by countless bug bites. Before, people would barely notice me sitting here, but now passersby look at me as if I am some sort of lunatic. Thankfully I give not a single fuck about what they think. I shall sit here until I am done sitting. I would like to note that the bench is increasingly uncomfortable and I am not fond of the unannounced fireworks in my immediate vicinity. Yes, there were fireworks a short distance away and their unforeseen arrival was not met with glee or excitement. Not positive excitement anyway.

Now I must decide whether or not I am going to cash in on my “sketchy campus apartment” offer. This is either a decent idea or a really bad idea—I am leaning towards the latter.


I have spent a good portion of today editing my site/blog posts. While reading the entries from yesterday I was shocked. Did all of that stuff really happen only yesterday? Sometimes life is so surreal. It is hard to grasp that these things really are happening. I am not sure if I am more taken back by the sheer content or that it feels like it happened weeks ago—and that is if it even feels like it happened yesterday.


I denounce the existence of luck, but if it were to exist, I truly would only have luck if you counted the bad.

.::Day 8—11:25am::.

The unexpected setbacks…Should we not plan for them?  In this case, the setbacks should indeed be expected after all.


Conveniently, all the buildings on campus are locked on Fridays during July. Right now I am sitting against one of the academic buildings, in the shade, for a bit before I try to use my card to get in. I have seen a few people get into this building {{most, if not all, were faculty}} using a specific door, so maybe…


I will be donating plasma later today, or at least trying to. I am about to head inside so I can fill up on water to make sure I am well hydrated. I had an Iron pill this morning and will be eating a breakfast bar 30 minutes before the appointment, so I think I should be okay.


I need to email my stats professor about my situation and see if I can get an extension for the first assignments. We shall see. Wish me luck!

.::Day 8—7:01am::.

Some argue that a little of something is better than absolutely nothing…


I guess a little bit of sleep is better than none at all, but is it really? I woke up several times last night, but slept decently enough. I kept the TV on for noise/light—Velocity channel all the way. Then I woke up a minute before my alarm went off, at which point the puppy was already awake. I quickly took him outside while the roommate was in the shower. Now I am back in the room with the puppy until the roommate leaves {{which will hopefully be soon}}. I will get to take a shower before the cop gets back, then I will be off to campus to hang out and work on my stats class. Maybe I can donate plasma later today as well.