…also known as:

This is more of a reference page for .::No Place to Call Home::. entries as I have grown tired of referring to recurring individuals as some common or generic title to preserve my anonymity. This list will continue to grow as needed.  Some of them have a blog post where there is more detail written or where it is first mentioned, so just click on the link and it will take you straight to the relevant post.

Please note that I am not using real names, but am instead creating a pseudonym to protect their identity, as well as mine.


My Adviser/The Bat:  I will be mentioning him quite a bit.  I have tried to go through all my previous posts and italicized this term, but I may have missed a few.  My adviser is such an amazing man who has helped me with so much over the course of this whole mess.  Eventually I will write a post about him in greater detail. **Only mentioned in my original 2016 posts.  Since then I changed majors and consequently do not have much contact with him anymore.**

-Romeo: This is my ex-boyfriend. Although he was not always the knight-in-shining armour, I do still care about him. Plus, I hate the connotation of the term ex. I feel like this is slightly more pleasant.

-OaOa:  My One-again-Off-again best friend from childhood. We have known each other for nearly a decade now and have definitely had our ups and downs.  For quite a while we stopped talking and I was sure she no longer considered me a friend.  Thankfully I reached out to her and turns out we can pick up where we left off.

-yikyak: I met this guy through an app called yikyak towards the middle of the Spring 2016 semester.  We chatted for quite a bit and when he found out I had no place to stay, he offered to sneak me into the building to stay in an empty suite as well as his own suite, when needed.  I was hesitant at first, but he really is a sweet guy who just wants to help other people.

CaM:  This is the “cop man” that allowed me to stay at his house.  I doubt I will interact with him much throughout the rest of this process, but just in case.  Plus, cop guy just sounded weird.

-*My Person: I met her in the 2018 Spring Semester after she rushed a chemistry fraternity I am a member of.  We ran into each other after an Honors event that semester and just hit it off.  She is my closest friend, I don’t know what I’d do without her.

-*Z: He is another best friend.  We literally tell each other everything and he has always been there for me.  We got really close in Fall 2017, but met the semester before.  We understand each other like no one else can and I am forever grateful for his friendship.

-*Mit: She is the best thing to ever happen to me.  She was my biology professor in Spring 2017 and after a series of events, has become one of my biggest defenders and has taken care of me in ways I never thought someone would.  I love her with all my heart and go to her for everything.  I would be lost without her.


My Spot: This little place is my spot on campus. It is tucked away in an alcove behind on of the academic buildings. It is quite possibly the most perfect spot to sit if the buildings are all closed.

My Lot This is one of the faculty lots on campus, but more specifically, this is the one that I stayed at for the majority of my car-sleeping days.  Ah, good times…Not.

-AcBu: My campus has several academic buildings {{4 main buildings}}, but because of my major, I mainly spend most of my time {{both with classes and research}} in one particular building: our Natural and Behavioural Science building.  Instead of typing out that mouth full, this is the acronym I will be using to make things a bit easier.

-*The Cave: This was termed by a dear friend of mine.  This is a data room in AcBu that I spend most of my time in during the school year {{often sleeping in as well}}.  Additionally, it is also where I lived in the summer for a couple months before I could move into new housing in 2017 and again in 2018.  However, it will likely be my current residence for the Fall 2018 semester until January 2019, when I have the possibility of moving in somewhere on campus.


-My Baby: I feel like this one is necessary simply because it is frequently misunderstood. I do not have any children, but I do have a beautiful Border Collie. She is my everything. Unfortunately, she currently lives with my parents and probably will until I have her approved by my school. I miss her every day, so when I say baby, I just mean my beautiful dog.

-Releasing Endorphins: Simply put, this is a nicer way of saying I cut.  Do not say you were not forewarned.

PI: This term simply means “Principal Investigator.”  It is a title used for the professors I do research for.


*These people/places/terms were added in 2018