.::Day 37—11:30pm::.

Today was exhausting. I tried so many times to close my eyes and just rest, but to no avail.

No one else came by the room, which is good. I stayed in the room this morning until a little after 8:30am then went to change and left the building for a few hours. At first I just wanted to drive to Walmart to get some Sour Patch Kids, but then I really wanted something sweet so I caved and bought milk and a bag of mini donuts. I ate a few while I drove out of town a bit to fill up the car with cheaper gas. Then I had the brilliant idea of going for a cruise around the area which turned into me wanting to drive to the nearest Apple Store to hear options about my MacBook.

The trip was good,  but I did hit some traffic on my way back. I headed straight back to campus and parked in My Lot so I could move some things around in the car before heading back to AcBu for the evening.

I did talk to my roomie. I explained my current situation, but once I told her I was reminded why I kept it from her in the first place. She was really no comfort nor did she have any advice. She will be moving in next week sometime so I may unofficially move in with her.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The exhaustion is getting to me. I am beginning to hallucinate and often my only thoughts are of sleeping. My body needs sleep, but my mind cannot handle it.

I should have worked on math. I will be doing that tomorrow, for sure. I barely used the computer today. I kind of wanted to limit the use after using it for so long yesterday.

I might hide behind/beside the printer in this room, just in case someone opens it up to check. I really hope no one does. I just want to stay here. I just want to stay somewhere inside.

.::Day 37—1:32am::.

I have been chilling in AcBu all yesterday and planned on staying here all night.  I had to use the bathroom a little after midnight and propped the door open with a trash can because I think the doors automatically lock after a certain time.  I did not see or hear anyone, but I was quick just in case.

Right now I am shaking because I just heard someone try to open the lab door {{@ 1:23am for future reference}}.  Thankfully it was locked and they walked away {{for now}}, but I still have to be super quiet, keep all the lights off {{was planning on doing that anyways}}, and not leave the room until tomorrow morning.  This should be an interesting few hours.  I guess I assumed someone might find me, but after encountering only the janitor when he came to collect the trash, I thought maybe no one would actually check every room.  I am just thankful I kept the room dark and that the door locked on its own…