.::Day 26—Summary::.


July 26, Tuesday

-People make me so mad. Even the thought of people makes me so mad. There are so many people coming over and that is stressing me out. I had to hide away to try and avoid wasting any of my tolerance/energy/filter before they come. And my friend disagrees with my stance on Romeo. To each their own I suppose.

-Things went decently and we are scheduled to ride horses and zip lines tomorrow. Who knows what could happen.

Easy morning, had to take my dog to the vet, and later in the evening my brother and father came, shortly followed by the other family members. Things went okay, but I am still not looking forward to this whole thing. Who knows, things can always change.



-Peach Fruit Cup


-1 Hawaiian Roll

-1 Small Scoop of Hash Brown Casserole

-Small Scoop of Peach Cobbler & 1 Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream

-Small Salad

.::Day 26—11:35pm::.

I suppose things could have gone worse. One family did not show up so we were short three people, but there was still a lot. It was just weird. I definitely would have preferred to be anywhere else. I just wanted some alone time.

I skated by with little food and practically no small talk at all. Apparently we are going horseback riding and ziplining tomorrow. That should be relatively fun. I think I am just going to stay up all night instead of going to sleep. I would really like to avoid sleeping as much as possible. Maybe work on the blog for a while and catch up on posts.

We shall see what tomorrow brings.


.::Day 26—5:29pm::.

I legit hate people. Like legit legit. People make me so angry. I am not sure if it is the lack of intelligence or just shear ignorance, but I just cannot stand them.


I had to take my girl to the vet to get some antibiotics, but other than that have not done much today. I did, however, find out that there will be 19—I repeat 19 (nineteen)—people coming over tonight.

Kill me now.

I am sitting right now as my father and brother unpack their car, waiting for our beloved family members [read: much despised at the moment] to arrive. I am hiding away to maintain what little tolerance and filter I have left. God forbid I say something truthful, I might just hurt someone’s feelings. Aside from that and arguing with my mum, things have been fairly quiet. For now.


OaOa texted me back this morning after the text I sent her last night. She told me I was wrong and deserved better, but that is totally not true. All of it was my fault and I have just been wasting time trying to blame him. He was right: I will never find someone else who will love me. He was it. But what does that matter now? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

I am alone. Unless he takes me back, I am alone.