.::Day 8—10:21pm::.

“If I did not have bad luck, I would have no luck at all.”


My advisor told me that a few months ago—well, he was referencing himself, but the point still stands. It is comical, but nevertheless true—that is, if luck was actually a thing.


Not only was campus practically shut down {{I did manage to sneak into one of the academic buildings for a few hours}}, but when I went to donate plasma today, my heart rate was too high {{around 115bpm. The lady was sweet and ran it a few times to see if it would go lower}} thanks to my crazy [read: ADHD] meds. I then drove back to campus, having just wasted a perfectly good hour and a half of my time—time that could have been used to sit in the comforts of A/C a little longer {{not to mention a perfectly good breakfast bar that could have been saved for later}}—to find out that the 24/7 room in the library is not, in fact, open 24 hours.

Having nowhere else to go I found a spot on a bench which is in the shade {{technically under the building}} and right beside an academic building, so free wifi and no sun. The climate was actually quite bearable once out of the sun. There was a lovely breeze which almost made me forget that I was sitting outside…almost.

I am still sitting on that bench, but even though the coolness of night is refreshing, I have to wear a jacket otherwise I will be covered by countless bug bites. Before, people would barely notice me sitting here, but now passersby look at me as if I am some sort of lunatic. Thankfully I give not a single fuck about what they think. I shall sit here until I am done sitting. I would like to note that the bench is increasingly uncomfortable and I am not fond of the unannounced fireworks in my immediate vicinity. Yes, there were fireworks a short distance away and their unforeseen arrival was not met with glee or excitement. Not positive excitement anyway.

Now I must decide whether or not I am going to cash in on my “sketchy campus apartment” offer. This is either a decent idea or a really bad idea—I am leaning towards the latter.


I have spent a good portion of today editing my site/blog posts. While reading the entries from yesterday I was shocked. Did all of that stuff really happen only yesterday? Sometimes life is so surreal. It is hard to grasp that these things really are happening. I am not sure if I am more taken back by the sheer content or that it feels like it happened weeks ago—and that is if it even feels like it happened yesterday.


I denounce the existence of luck, but if it were to exist, I truly would only have luck if you counted the bad.

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