.::Day 34—2:17pm::.

Romeo is in the hospital again. Apparently he was at work, but was sent home when he could not read anything. His friend drove him to Urgent Care who just sent him the the ER after running some tests. I swear I am going to be so pissed if they finally run head scans and find something that could have been detected earlier…when I originally told him to get head scans run.

For a brief, fleeting moment I felt a twinge of worry. As soon as I felt it, it was gone, but it was there, however briefly. I feel better feeling nothing. It is more comfortable.

Now he wants to know when he can see me. Because even though he ditched me, I bring him a comfort no one else can. Even though he is no longer my problem, though I am no longer responsible for taking care of him, I still actually am. He still gets all the perks of dating me, without having to put anything in return. Worst part is? I actually do not care. It should bother me, but it does not. I know he is using me, but I am okay with it. How twisted is that??

Right now I am doing laundry and packing shit so I can leave tonight for school. I need to get back. Like I actually need it.

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