.::Day 31—11:55pm::.

We left my grandparents’ house today. It was much later than I had wanted and will now be busy all tomorrow on my math, but it could have gone worse.

Most of the day was spent in the car {{or truck in my case}}. I texted Romeo to see how he was doing and apparently he was having serious memory issues. I guess when the urgent care team saw him yesterday, none of them thought to run any head scans after the trauma he suffered. Eventually he did go back today and although they still did not run any scans, they determined he had a concussion and would likely forget all the details of the accident. But he is fine for now I suppose.

Still not sure how I feel about it. I talked to OaOa and she said it seems like every sort of shit is happening to me. I think she is right.

On the bright side, I am that much closer to being homeless again.  I can hardly believe that I am excited about it.  That is my new normal.  And apparently shitty is my new comfort.

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